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for breech

Moxibustion is an evidence-based technique practised in Traditional Chinese Medicine. By burning Artemisia Vulgaris near to acupressure points on both little toes, a downward energy is encouraged which can help baby to turn from a head-up (breech) to a head-down (cephalic) position.


3-4% of babies are found to be in a breech position at the end of pregnancy and parents will be faced with several options. Some NHS trusts offer moxibustion as well as the medical recommendations to try to turn or deliver baby.


Moxibustion therapy is not a one-off technique, but needs to be practised at home for up to 14 days. If you would like to learn how to self-administer moxibustion to encourage your baby to turn, please contact me to discuss if moxibustion is for you and to book a private session.


During the session we can discuss your options and any further resources you may need to make informed decisions about your birth.


You will go home with knowledge, moxa sticks, a detailed guide and confidence in your body.


If you would like to combine this with a hypnobirthing session to relax your body and mind, please call me to discuss how I can help.



Please see Services for pricing.

Moxibustion for Breech using Moxa Traditional Chinese medicine
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